
A Prayer for Standing on Tiptoe.

On tiptoe we stand, Lord Jesus

eagerly awaiting

your full revelation

always expecting you

to come some more.


Our hands and hearts

are open to your grace.

Our lives still waiting for

the fullness of your presence.

We are those who have been promised

a Kingdom, and we can never forget

Yet we have a foot in both worlds

and so we stumble.


But still we stand

on tiptoe

Owning our kingdom-loving hearts

and our earth-eyes

We lean forward

and hope.

– Macrina Wiederkehr



(Joshua 3: 7-17)

Take the covenant with you into the river –

the boundary river, the risky river between

future and past, between fear and hope,

whose swirling depths can dislodge your feet –


take the covenant with you into the river –

the river that is all that is out of control,

restless and relentless and gnawing its banks,

whose wild floods can drown field and home –


take the covenant with you into the river –

chilling and destructive, peaceful and refreshing,

the river that is world, full of mystery and song,

whose waters can bless like renewal of life –


take the covenant with you into all of your rivers –

let it rest on your shoulders when you take

your steps, let it remind you of a promise,

let it remind of God’s presence,


that you do not cross the boundaries alone,

that you are not abandoned in the raging floods,

that in the depths that would knock you

off your careful feet, God’s love is anchor


to hold and to guide, and waters of danger

shall not overwhelm, and waters of chaos

may bring newness of life, and out of the noise

of rushing waters may rise a beautiful song.


Take the covenant with you.

Watch even the river become

servant of love.



Child of Wonder.

(From: Seasons of Your Heart by Macrina Wiederkehr)

To be this child of wonder you must learn to take off your shoes often. Taking off your shoes is a sacred ritual. It is a hallowed moment of remembering the goodness of space and time. It is a way of celebrating the holy ground on which you stand. If you want to be a child of wonder cherish the truth that time and space are holy. Whether you take off your shoes symbolically or literally matters little. What is important is that you are alive to the holy ground on which you stand and to the holy ground that you are.


Holy Ground

My bare feet walk the earth reverently

for everything keeps crying,

Take off your shoes

The ground you stand on is holy

The ground of your being is holy.


When the wind sings through the pines

like the breath of God

awakening you to the sacred present

calling your soul to new insights

Take off your shoes!


When the sun rises above your rooftop

colouring your world with dawn

Be receptive to this awesome beauty

Put on your garment of adoration

Take off your shoes!


When the Red Maple drops its last leaf of summer

wearing its ‘burning bush’ robes no longer

read between its barren branches, and

Take off your shoes!


When sorrow presses close to your heart

begging you to put your trust in God alone

filling you with a quiet knowing

that God’s hand is not too short to heal you.

Take off your shoes!


When a new person comes into your life

like a mystery about to unfold

and you find yourself marvelling over

the frailty and splendor of every human being

Take off your shoes!


When, during the wee hours of the night

you drive slowly into the new day

and the morning fog, like angel wings

hovers mysteriously above you

Take off your shoes!


Take off your shoes of distraction

Take off your shoes of ignorance and blindness

Take off your shoes of hurry and worry

Take off anything that prevents you

from being a child of wonder.


Take off your shoes;

The ground you stand on is holy.

The ground you are is holy.


Prayer for Taking Off Your Shoes.

by Macrina Weiderkehr

Creator of fire and water,

Your burning bush has turned

into a bubbling brook

And I have taken off my shoes

having heard you call my name.


You do not speak in fire only, Lord.

In water you have sung your songs

And you are singing still.

Today you chant a memory-song

to my grown-up heart,


You are washing my anxiety away

You are reminding me of days of old

when I had time to play.

I stand barefoot upon the stones

the rushing water,

lapping at my heals.

The sharp stones pierce my grown-up soles

My tough child-feet have worn away

as I grew up, forgetting to play.


Creator of the rocks and streams,

I’m growing up once more

I’m taking off my shoes

and remembering to adore.


My feet are getting tough again

My heart is getting young.


A Further Reflection on a Pause.

by Noel Davis.


A pause….

a gap in the human go

where the Divine squeezes through.


Extend the pause

widen the gap

and Lord only knows what might emerge!


Nooma “Open.”

Rob Bell on prayer:


Nooma “Rain.”

Rob Bell.

Please copy into the youtube search:


Hello to the Day.

Neither I nor the poets I love have found the keys to the kingdom of prayer and we cannot force God to stumble over us where we sit. But I know that it’s a good idea to sit anyway. So every morning, I kneel, waiting, making friends with the habit of listening, hoping that I’m being listened to. There, I greet God and my own disorder. I say hello to chaos, my unmade decisions, my unmade bed, my desire and my trouble. I say hello to distraction and privilege, I greet the day and I greet my beloved and bewildering Jesus. I recognise and greet my burdens, my luck, my controlled and uncontrollable story. I greet my untold stories, my unfolding story, my unloved body, my own body. I greet the things I think will happen and I say hello to everything I do not know about the day. I greet my own small world and I hope that I can meet the bigger world that day. I greet my story and hope that I can forget my story during the day, and hope that I can hear some stories and greet some surprising stories during the long day ahead. I greet God, and I greet the God who is more God than the God I greet.

Hello to you all, I say, as the sun rises above the chimneys of North Belfast.



Pages 244-245.

In The Shelter. Finding a Home In The World.
by Pádraig Ó Tuama

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